When talking about the emerald island of Sardinia the many words and thoughts spent are scarce. The truth is that Sardinia offers a really exciting mix for a holiday out of the ordinary. Stop. It is a big island without any comparison in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.
There is not in Italy what there is in Sardinia, nor in Sardinia what there is in Italy. [Francesco Cetti]
This land resembles no other place. Sardinia is something else. Enchanting spaces and distances to travel-nothing finished, nothing definitive. It is like freedom itself. [David Herbert Lawrence]
Sardinia is unmatched from A to Z. First, people. Then, the territory, the culture and the nature.
There is a famous book by Marcello Serra, entitled Sardinia: Almost a Continent. The author highlights the uniqueness of the landscapes and the deep differences among the Island’s several regions and inhabitants which makes Sardinia similar to a distinct continent.
Is the emerald island out of the ordinary?
Yes, it’s out of the ordinary because you will go to the sea just like in any other island. And you will appreciate one of the best sea and the clearest water of the entire continent. And now we are talking about the European continent. Maybe of the whole planet.
An ancient kingdom (the kingdom of Sardinia existed since the 14th century until the mid-19th century) like no other places. Its peculiarity is hidden in lovely corners all around the territory, unique and wild spaces that are perfect to all travelers who love nature, sun, sea, tan and special people.
Tourist attractions, obvious. But also natural and cultural diversity, in a mix that will leave you speechless. Many waves of invaders created the indescribable combination of lives and places that will allow you to consider a trip to Sardinia a sort of unique experience.
You can’t miss: Sardinia calling
- Lovable, secular arts and crafts
- Ancient parades and religious processions
- Relaxed and healthy lifestyle(You will wonder about the brightness of many hundred-year-old men and women)
- Nuraghi. Domus de janas, tombs carved into the rock face. Stone age burial sites and so-called giant’s graves. Sardinia has been inhabited since the stone age!!!

nuraghe is the main type of ancient megalithic edifice found in Sardinia
- Caves and grottoes
- Flora and fauna
- Mountains (the Sardinians, until recently, have never loved the sea!)
- Rivers and lakes
- Sea!
- Cultural excursions
- Sports: golf, windsurfing, sailing, diving, hiking, trekking, biking.
- Horseback riding
And beaches. Sardinia has hot, dry summers and short, mild winters. It is a summer paradise and you will understand why. It is perfect to visit from March to October and you will always be able to reach your favorite corner of paradise far from the crowd.
Take a look at our itinerary for your italian honeymoon trip.
Read also: Sicily, into the wild nature